วันเสาร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Analysis that the income of the Club Asteria

Analysis that the income of the Club Asteria

Where it will provide money to pay this much? 

Asteria Coporation Company has many businesses that are a source of revenue for the company and members of the network Andrea Lucas commitment to the ideals set. To help poor countries and developing countries by reducing the unfair from the transaction fee to transfer money Purchases. To share with members. From the network Andrea Lucas, former Director of International Finance. (International Finance Corporation: IFC) the private sector branch of the World Bank has been working with CGAP, which is an independent policy research and dedication to help expand the reach. In finance to the poor around the world, CGAP has been supported by development agencies and private foundations more than 30 of which have the same mission is to alleviate poverty, the World Bank, CGAP is located and provides market intelligence solutions support standards development and creative consulting services for governments, service providers, financial donors and individual investors, please consult the website for more information. http://www.cgap.org

The CGAP has said. Alien workers with up to 192 million people and is expected to increase to 2 times in the next three years with people who expatriate work and income. Often have to transfer money back to family and high fees to transfer money each time it is still high. And expensive until now affecting the country's economy and affect the percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the money transfer market is substantial! The market share of the revenues to 1.4 billion arising from the transfer of U.S. $ 167 billion in U.S. funds. 

Year 2007 (Western Union), which charge $24 on each transfer (Transfer fee for currency exchange fees), and transfer more than 60 billion U.S. dollars. Between the U.S. and Latin 

America in 2009, causing fees of more than 1,000 million dollars (Reference: CGAP) by Andrea network, Lucas saw the importance and enormous revenue from money transfer business, this has been established Club this up on a lead. principle of transfer fees this administration, marketing and business expansion. Grow in the following.

1. Revenue from subscriptions.

2. Income from fees to transfer money from around the world who already have a license to pay such CashX, Alertpay, Solid Trust Pay, and will join the Towah Group (Mastercard) to Automarketing Pros (Infusionsoft Marketing. 
system) very soon. 

3. Income from subsidies participating items in the group of Club Asteria, but you do not need to buy any of our clubs are not forced to buy, buy, but when I got up extra points with
4. Income from sponsored programs such as Club Asteria Powerteam International, WIN University, Rainmaker, etc…

รายได้ Club Asteria ทั้งหมดทั่วโลกจะมีการจัดการออกเป็น 3 ส่วน ดังนี้

45% + 30% + 25% = 100%

1) 45% paid to the Club members who helped Saint Maria grows, it means that commissions paid to the introduction of new members sure enough. 

2) 30% of income paid to the member's Position Sliver, Gold and NDs in the week by income level in each member's plan. The members must abide by to maintain the right to receive commissions (read News to stop flashing blue letters)

The amount paid out to all members. First be divided by the Assembly only score of Trio members before then, it will be calculated for each member of the commission multiplied by the number of Assembly only in Rio include each member's account. 

The numbers are calculated will be paid to the members of the Assembly in Rio only account balance and / or cash. Depending on the percentage of each member specified in their account.(Percent of the corporation, is a 80% return on investment to the new Assembly only score points Trio), members can withdraw cash in each week through a financial intermediary to choose from.

3) Revenue 25% will be the operation that consists of basic salary, cost of utilities, the cost of providing customer service, the maintenance of the website, the marketing and advertising, the training, the programmer,. graphic designers and research. 

Club Asteria does not guarantee the level of weekly commission formula is an example at all. And reserves the right to change the formula to calculate the distribution of income to match market conditions and economic conditions.

